Why are self defence programs for kids a good idea?

From building confidence to learning discipline to understanding how to protect themselves, there are lots of reasons why self-defence programs for kids are a good idea. If you are located in Smeaton Grange, the Macarthur Region, Narellan, Camden or Campbelltown, Gracie Jiu Jitsu has a great program to help your kids understand the fundamentals of martial arts.

Across our different locations, we have been lucky enough to see so many children grow and blossom while taking martial arts classes. There are many benefits to learning the fundamentals of self-defence, so if you are wondering if Jiu Jitsu classes are right for your children, we have put together some of the best things that parents tell us their children have gotten from starting martial arts.

kids gi gracie smeaton grange


Children of all ages often struggle with self-confidence, but as they begin to understand how to look after themselves and others, their confidence inevitably increases. Parents often comment on this change in children, even after only a few weeks.


Some children don’t know how to stand up for themselves and others, and they can often be passive or aggressive in difficult situations. Martial arts teaches children how to manage themselves assertively and calmly because they have the tools they need to look after themselves if required to.

Health and wellbeing

With physical exercise comes physical benefits! We see many children come through our classes with weight problems or general health problems from being otherwise inactive. When kids move away from their computer screens or mobile phones and take on regular activity, the change in their physical and mental health and wellbeing is self-evident.


A crucial aspect of martial arts is discipline. The entire practice is built on the foundation of being disciplined and consistent. Children learn this valuable skill as they progress through the program and learn that progress can only be achieved through disciplined practice. There are no winners or losers in Jiu Jitsu, and children learn that their number one competitor is themselves. This skill is widely transferable to other areas of life.


In all of our classes, we teach children to respect their teachers, their competitors and themselves at all times. We train children to remain respectful, even in high-pressure situations, which is something that many parents say they see transferred at school and at home. Kids who undertake martial arts are often not as quick to lose their temper and can maintain a calm and respectful demeanour more easily, which is why these programs are very useful for children with problems in this area.

Appreciation of diversity

Our classes welcome children from all different cultural backgrounds and walks of life and foster an appreciation of diversity in participants. Martial arts draw elements from all different traditions and cultures, so participants are often more easily able to accept and understand other points of view. In all classes, kids are encouraged to work with everyone, even those they don’t get along with right away, which is a great skill they can take to the playground, classroom or the sports field.


In Jiu Jitsu, things don’t always go right the first time and children can become frustrated or angry. The martial arts teach emotional control as part of the practice. Parents often comment that their kids are more balanced after taking classes because they have the tools to control and self-monitor their emotions more readily.


When people think of martial arts, they don’t often think of the human elements of the discipline. However, kindness and compassion are a big part of what we teach. We teach children self-defence but also when and how to be kind to opponents who are smaller or less skilled. We love seeing kids respond kindly to others before and after class in different situations, based on these teachings.

These are just some of the benefits that parents say they have noticed after enrolling their kids in martial arts classes. If you think your child might flourish in an environment that fosters these skills, why not try a Jiu Jitsu class with Gracie? Our classes in Smeaton Grange service the Macarthur Region, Narellan, Camden and Campbelltown. We hope to see you and your future Jiu Jitsu masters soon!

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